Emergency Care
Although orthodontic emergencies do not happen often, we always do our best to be available to help you.
f you have a broken appliance or are experiencing any pain please call our office as soon as possible. We will do our best to fit you into our schedule for an appointment. If you already have a regular appointment scheduled please call our office anyway to notify us of the broken appliance.
There are several at home remedies that can be done to help fix any minor problems while you wait for your upcoming appointment. Please know that even if you alleviate any discomfort you will still need a repair appointment to ensure everything is in its correct placement.
Teeth or Discomfort from Orthodontic Treatment
Sometimes just after getting braces on or after a routine orthodontic adjustment your mouth or teeth may feel sore. To help alleviate the pain you make take a pain reliever such as acetaminophen while you adjust to your braces.
Loose Wire / Wire Irritations
Using tweezers that have been sterilized in alcohol you may try to place the wire back in its place. If the wire is poking you or is uncomfortable you may try to dry the area with a sterile piece of cotton and cover it with a small amount of wax or an eraser. If the wire is painful you can try to clip it with cuticle clippers that have been washed and sterilized with alcohol.
Loose Bracket
Call our office to determine if the bracket needs to be replaced right away. We can then schedule a repair appointment.
Lost Separator
Sometimes patients may lose a separator during treatment. Simply call our office once you discover it missing so we can determine if it needs to be replaced.
Headgear Not Fitting
If your headgear is causing pain or discomfort this may be a result of not wearing it long enough. Please make sure you wear it for the instructed amount of hours given by your orthodontist. If the face bow is bent DO NOT try to adjust it yourself. Please call our office to schedule and appointment.